“My Entire High School Sinking Into The Sea” Directed by Graphic Artist Dash Shaw Opens Nationwide


After a successful festival run at such top fests as TIFF, AFI Fest, Fantastic Fest, NYFF and the Berlin International Film Festival, Washington Square Films and Low Spark Films’ My Entire High School Sinking Into the Sea is set to open in select theaters nationwide on April 14, 2017. The film opens in the Metrograph Theater in NYC, Landmark Nuart Theater in Los Angeles and TIFF Bell Lightbox in Toronto.



In a sweeping allegory of the trials of high school, the film features high school sophomores Dash (Jason Schwartzman) and Assaf (Reggie Watts) as they try to keep their school newspaper afloat with their mutual friend and paper editor Verti (Maya Rudolph). Romance threatens their peaceful triangle until Dash makes a startling discovery: the school administration had been concealing the fact that the high school sits on a geographical fault line in peril. Cast against apocalyptic terror with artist Dash Shaw’s trademark Adult Swim-esque graphic style, the band of students–plus one lunch lady–have to navigate hurdles of social status and work together to climb to safety while their high school slowly sinks into the sea.


Click HERE to attend the Metrograph Theater opener!

Click HERE to attend the Landmark Nuart Theater opener!



Production Companies:
Electric Chinoland, in association with Low Spark Films
Washington Square Films

Cast: Jason Schwartzman, Lena Dunham, Maya Rudolph, Reggie Watts, Susan Sarandon, Thomas Jay Ryan, Alex Karpovsky, Louisa Krause, John Cameron Mitchell

Director-screenwriter: Dash Shaw

Producers: Kyle Martin, Craig Zobell, Dash Shaw

Executive producers: Matthew Johnson, Tyler Davidson, Kevin Flanigan, Joshua Blum

Lead animator: Jane Samborski

Music: Rani Sharone

Editor: Lance Edmands, Alex Abrahams

Sales: Cinetic Media