By: Jenna Wigman

In BPT (before pandemic times), in an effort to battle hustle culture, the notion of “work/life balance” swiftly became a hot topic that raised a rallying cry to place a higher value on personal time. Since the rise of smartphones was met with the constant presence of your work inbox, this trend was a way to mitigate the lack of boundaries that were created with easier access to the Internet and digital technology. When corporate overlords realized what this trend may do to their productivity and precious bottom line, they called for a rebrand and the notion of a more “realistic” work/life blend was ushered in. This allowed more flexible shapeshifting between a person’s Clark Kent and Superman vibes, yet still resulted in a lot of overworked folks.


As we’re closing out 2021, still dancing in a bit of a limbo territory, a seemingly endless array of words–and concepts–have rendered themselves murky, if not altogether meaningless (depending on how emo you’re feeling that day). While walking the tightrope of work and life used to be about setting and policing boundaries, many of us have had the ingredients of our lives tossed together in an unsatisfying “clean out the fridge” salad that leaves that “life” of ours lacking the star power it once had. Although getting that leading lady energy back may be something we can longingly gaze towards in the distant horizon, leaning into the life we have now is the only way to find happiness, or at least feel more within ourselves. 


While forcefully creating clear delineations between which part of your home is for your work time and which is for your own personal and relaxation time can help alleviate the heightened “always-on” mentality that came crashing into our lives, it’s not truly addressing the predicament many of us find ourselves in. Instead of clawing our way back towards the existence we knew in BPT, we should instead seek to balance our new remote work way of life with sources of inspiration that help bring us back to what really centers us. While a strict schedule may feel like it is an ideal way to sort the various file folders of your life, discovering ways to recharge and return to work with a refreshed mentality is the best way to find balance in our very out-of-wack culture of today. Instead of trying to create balance, finding moments of inspiration is a better way to shake the grime of these murky times and embrace the positive in the small moments. I promise you, it’s not as gag-inducingly cheesy as it sounds.


What inspires you? Be careful–don’t judge yourself here. You have every right to be just as inspired by watching two hours of anime as your best friend does penning a historical fiction novel. While some of your sources of inspiration may be obvious, like your family, friends and hobbies, others may be sneaking under the surface in your everyday environment. While getting out for a run (or lots of runs) can “refill your cup,” a quick walk around the neighborhood sans headphones can open your eyes to the quirks and complexities of your environment you had perhaps never taken the time to soak in. Fancy yourself a homebody? Great, you’re now probably home all the time! You don’t have to force yourself out of your home to find inspiration. You can discover a fun hobby–even one from your childhood, like the soothing gliding of gel pens on coloring books. 


Discovering and cultivating inspiration doesn’t have to be intimidating. Don’t feel like you have to take on some massive venture or exercise routine to create Instagram-worthy moments that boost your momentum health. Hey, if being “that girl” makes you truly happy, you absolutely DO YOU! Don’t want to wake up at 5:30 am and meditate, journal and drink a green smoothie? You’re still fabulous! You don’t have to give yourself permission or feel like you’re being counter-culture by feeling inspired or recharged by binge-watching YA shows on Netflix and ordering takeout. But take careful stock if what you’re doing to inspire yourself to be grounded again is actually serving you. Sure, lots of things feel great in the moment, but don’t leave you fulfilled afterward.


Our world today is unpredictable at best. Be kind to yourself. Don’t expect things to be as neat and organized as they once were. Embrace the chaos and give yourself the opportunity to find inspiration in ways you may have never imagined. You may surprise yourself.