New York/San Francisco-based content creation/production company Bodega director Dave Merhar demonstrates how seasoned moms get kids fed in the comically instructive new :30 “Breast Feeding” for Luvs out of Saatchi & Saatchi, NY. The spot features a mom furtively breast feeding in public as a ‘new mom,’ then very publicly and confidently feeding as a second-kid mother.

Highlighting some of the basic truths of parenting, the campaign features the painfully relatable initial missteps of a first-child mom. Notes Merhar, “Every person in those parenting situations has a moment where they think, ‘What the hell am I doing?’ We wanted to push these actors to that moment and create a relatable experience for all parents. It was enjoyable to put them through the same struggles that I went through!”

“Breast Feeding” opens on our heroine covering herself in embarrassment as she breast feeds in a busy restaurant. A super and accompanying voiceover appear: “First Kid.” Next, we see a young male waiter approach the woman’s table, years later, with surprise: the once embarrassed mom is now openly—if not proudly—breast feeding her second baby. He can’t help but stare. The mom, now a pro, stops him, “Up here,” pointing away from her feeding baby up to her eyes. Her older toddler scowls at the waiter. The super “Second kid” appears as the voiceover continues, “By their second kid, every mom is an expert and more likely to choose Luvs. After thousands of diaper changes, they know what works. Luvs lock away wetness better than Huggies at a fraction of the cost,” which we see demonstrated. The tag, “Live, learn and get Luvs,” closes out the spot along with the Luvs logo.

The campaign also includes the :30s, “Changing Station,” “Temperature” and “Park.”


Client: Procter & Gamble
Product: Luvs
Title: “Breast Feeding,” “Changing Station,” “Temperature,” “Park” :30 X 4
Marketing Director: John Brase
Brand Manger: Laina Majnovic
Assistant Brand Manager: Chad Summe
Ad Prod. Manager: MaryAnne Schmidt
Agency: Saatchi & Saatchi, NY
Senior Creatives: Mason Hedgecoth, Jeff St. Jean
Agency Producer: Ian Kelly
SVP, Director of Business Affairs: Linda Bennett
BAL: Mark Rolland
VP, Management Supervisor: Matt Garcia
Account Executive: Jamie Daigle
Production Company: Bodega, SF/NYC
Director: Dave Merhar
Executive Producer: Clint Goldman
Producer: Grayson Bithell
Editorial: Outside Edit + Design
Editor: Jeff Feruzzo
Editorial Executive Producer: Sila Soyer
Editorial Producer: Fanny Cruz
About Bodega

Bodega Studios is a creative production company based in New York and San Francisco.

We are the passionate nerdy. We develop, produce and distribute award-winning projects in every medium. We make commercials, digital content, promos, feature films, television and music videos.

We believe the world is a beautiful place full of surprises, cool things and true magic. Our goal is to inject your project with geeky enthusiasm, groundbreaking creative, visionary style, original solutions and a passion for storytelling.

Our one-stop-shop model has been embraced by brands including: IBM, Hewlett-Packard, Microsoft, USA Network, Logitech, Mattel, MasterCard, Walt Disney Pictures, Nickelodeon, Food Network, Applebee’s, KIA, Subaru, Toyota, Honda, Chevrolet and Volkswagen.