This amusing spot for the financial advice organization continues the brand’s messaging about the importance of posing the right queries to the professionals in your life.

Created by BUNTIN for the CFP Board, this droll campaign features a woman who nearly comes a cropper at the hands of a muddled medic.

Titled ‘Surgery’, the spot was directed with great attention to detail by Jason Farrand through Bunker – the eagle eyed will spot an x-ray of a dog rather than a human on the wall of the hospital consulting room where the scene unfolds.

It’s one of a series of worryingly confusing issues in the experience of a patient about to undergo surgery at the hands of a dotty doctor. Not only does he have a cavalier attitude to the difference between various limbs, but he mistakes orthopedic specialism for a zodiac sign. Luckily, she had asked the most important question when it came to choosing a financial advisor: ‘Are you a CFP® professional?’.

The ad is a continuation of the award-winning “It’s Gotta Be A CFP®” platform which previously saw a bungee jumper afeared that his expert guide didn’t exactly ‘know the ropes’.

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