New York City indie band The Intangibles survey the undeniable and singular exuberance of NYC in the new music video for the single “The Religion Club” from the album I Woke Up in the Future. Lensed in Times Square on a warm September night in 2014, the characters, tourists, lost souls and selfies that seek love and meaning in the center of the greatest city in the world… New York City. The video takes a wistful gaze at the beloved Times Square costumed characters that have delighted tourists and locals alike that are currently in danger of dissolving as a proposed law that will require them to purchase licenses threatens their livelihood.

The Intangibles


Music/Lyrics: Beirne Lowry (Copyright 2010)


The Intangibles Are:

Beirne Lowry – Singing, bass guitar, pedal synthesizers, Moog, and acoustic guitar strumming… sometimes all at the same time and Singapore curry rice noodles. By day he’s a director/designer at Mr. Wonderful, best known for creating the open to “The Colbert Report” on Comedy Central.

Drew “Android” Scholz – Guitars, slide guitar and guitar the sounds like an old organ, and very spicy shrimp wonton dumplings. By day he fights for the rights of the common and not-so-common people.

Joe Scholz – drums and cymbals and Genral Tso’s spicy chicken. By day he fights for YOUR right to party, at work and at home!