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By David Ehrlich, David Fear

Austin, Texas, is known for a lot of things: breakfast tacos, extraordinary live music, the miraculous disease-curing magical goo that the locals call “queso.” But for film fanatics, the appeal of the Lone Star State’s bastion of wonderful weirdness can be boiled down to one specific thing: the SXSW Film Festival. (And also queso — it’s really a year-round pleasure.) From March 11-19, the annual movie-geek get-together rolls out a stellar showcase of micro-indie dramas, midnight psychotronica flicks, a sidebar of music docs on everyone ranging from Gary Numan to hip-hop superproducers Organized Noize, and — just for good measure — premieres of a long-awaited new Pee-wee Herman movie and the latest Richard Linklater joint. Here are our 25 picks for the must-see movies at this year’s edition.

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Back in the 1960s, a collective of surfers, psychedelic explorers and straight-up hippy-dippy freaks dubbed themselves the Brotherhood of Eternal Love. Their mission: expand the world’s consciousness through LSD. The result: numerous bad trips, a few doors of perception kicked open, and a how-to blueprint for the modern drug trade. Filmmaker William A. Kirkley (Excavating Taylor Mead) spells it all out for you, maaaaan. DF

William A. Kirkley is represented by Washington Square Films. 

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When he was a kid, Stefan Pokorny was obsessed with role-playing games like Dungeons and Dragons; later, he founded Dwarven Forge, a company devoted to making “pre-painted miniature terrain” for RPG enthusiasts. Now he’s mounting a Kickstarter campaign to fund his most ambitious project yet: a huge art project that Pokorny hopes will inspire peace, love and harmony around the world via all-out fantasy geekitude. Something tells us this doc is going to roll a 20 in dexterity with this festival crowd. DF

Sonic Union’s Brian Goodheart provided sound design and mix.

Check out Rolling Stone’s full list of the top 25 films to watch at SXSW 2016 HERE.