The gripping short thriller “Safe and Sound”, written/directed by Ian Kammer, is now streaming on leading digital horror network ALTER. Prior to its premiere, “Safe and Sound” enjoyed a successful awards circuit and festival run, with official selections at the Vancouver Horror Show Film Festival–where it earned awards for “Best Film” and “Best Director”–as well as the MOTELX Lisbon International Horror Film Festival, The Overlook Film Festival, Portland Horror Film Festival, Nightstream Film Festival, Panic Fest and Friss Hús Budapest International Short Film Festival, among many others. The film additionally won two Gold Telly awards in Directing and Sound/Sound Design. 


ALTER showcases series and short stories from the most provocative and innovative minds in horror, reaching fans across all platforms. “Safe and Sound” is now live in its streaming library as of Tuesday, August 9 at 9 AM PST.


Click HERE to view the film on Alter’s YouTube channel.

Click HERE to view the trailer.

Click HERE to view stills and BTS images.


Synopsis: While babysitting a precocious 8-year-old, Mia is stalked by a shadowy presence that trips the home security system. As loud beeps sound off whenever a door or window is opened, the system meant to protect her becomes an amplifying terror while she attempts to survive the night.


Notes Kammer, “I wanted to explore the concept that the very thing that should be helping and supporting Mia is actually terrorizing her. Each time the security system beeps is a moment of horror and not of safety.”


Kammer is a writer and director of narrative film, commercial and branded content. Born and raised in a small, rainy Pacific Northwest town, he eventually left to attend Art Center College of Design in Pasadena. A fan of atmosphere and genre, his approach to visual storytelling is guided by a delicate balance of cinematography, character development and art direction. He has a deep fondness for visually stunning films that bring the impossible what-ifs and terrifying unknown into our homes and leave you questioning every bump in the night. His commercial and narrative work has been recognized with wins and short-lists at the Clios, D&AD, AICP, Cannes Young Director Awards, and Vimeo Staff Picks.






Mia: Charlie Morgan Patton

Holden: Tristan Riggs

Brian: Christopher Thomas Copeland

News Anchor: Maranda Barskey 

Reporter: Mark Stancato



Director: Ian Kammer

Writers: Ian Kammer & Joshua Storms

Executive Producers: Vincent Lin & Matthew D’amato

Cinematographer: Justin Gurnari

Sound Designer: Zak DeVires

Composer: Joshua Storms

Unit Production Manager: Fanny Pierre

First Assistant Director: Nick Mann


Production Designer: Astrid Anderson

Sound Mixer: Victor Alarcon

First Assistant Camera: Jared Wennberg

Second Assistant Camera / Dit: Lauren Arthur

Camera / Stedicam Operator: Niels Lindelien

Gaffer: Patrick Scanlon

Best Boy Electric: John Dennis

Key Grip: Noah Kelly

Colorist: Daniel Silverman

Creature & Environmental VFX: Josh Suyemoto

Compositing Artists: Egor Rezichenko, Rohaman Sabbir


About Valiant Pictures


We are an independent production company on a journey to share memorable stories that connect and inspire. Our diverse roster of award-winning filmmakers brings fresh and unique perspectives to fearlessly create powerful narratives across all forms of media.




Giving voice to emerging, diverse and established filmmakers, ALTER’s digital brand is distributed across YouTube and Facebook, features 500+ filmmakers in 50+ countries, and has been featured at all major film festivals. With more than 30M monthly uniques and new short films added weekly, the stories that can be explored are limitless, allowing ALTER to expand into FAST, podcasts, documentaries, and more.  For more information about ALTER, visit