
Only one event can bring an onslaught of ad agencies, tech companies, major global brands, digital startups and an endless brigade of ambiguous smartphone and tablet apps into the ordinarily laid back city of Austin, TX: SXSW Interactive. As the technology/digital creativity conference has expanded over the years, so have the crowds flocking to the Texas city in search of the latest digital trend, tech inteligensia and hopefully some killer BBQ.

Although attendees concern themselves with larger issues pre-SXSW, such as scheduling parties and sessions — who to rub shoulders with and where to be seen — packing is important. It often takes a back seat, but lack of forethought on this mundane detail can prove a disaster when navigating your busiest days and nights of the year.

So, without further ado, here is a list of PK’s must-haves for SXSW Interactive survival:

  • Cell Phone Charger. You MUST have your cell phone charger on you at all times. With over 20,000 registrants at last year’s festival, the conference has turned into a cell battery blackhole. Be prepared to sidle up to an outlet anywhere and everywhere for a quick refresh. Competition for free outlets can be fierce enough to warrant bringing a mobile juice pack such as a mophie (Tip: You can also buy these at the Expo if you get desperate).
  • Comfortable Shoes. You will walk everywhere, and with an ever-increasing number of conference tracks, you will likely be covering some serious ground in a given day. Dress is casual, so strive for the ideal fusion of fashion and function, but settle for function when choosing between the two. The shoes may be pretty but it won’t be pretty on mile two when you’re limping from blisters and complaining to anyone who will listen.
  • Business Cards. Though it’s easy to connect digitally these days, passing out an “analog” business card is far from passé. Your SXSW badge is a handy place to keep these, but make sure you aren’t doling out the cards you’ve already received!
  • Backpack. Swag: you know you shouldn’t grab it, but you just can’t help yourself. Save yourself the stress of determining the value of each and every swag item and allow yourself ample space to grab ’em all and sort it out later!
  • On-the-go Snacks. Though Austin has many great and affordable food options, you will find yourself constantly on the go and forgetting that it has been 7 hours since your last meal. Avoid mid-session low blood sugar doldrums by carrying easy snacks such as granola bars, trail mix, jerky, nuts and dried fruit. Also, if you’re not a breakfast eater, make sure you grab something quick at the hotel and swipe a piece of fruit or two for the rest of the day.
  • Umbrella. If you don’t have one, it will rain. Murphy’s Law.
  • Electrolyte-packed beverages. There will be free beer. And though there will be free beer in an hour, and the 10 consecutive hours after that, you will find yourself unable to refuse said free beer. Come morning when your alarm goes off for that 9:00a.m. session that you had been so psyched about, your body is going to be need bolstering. Pack some sports drink packets such as Propel Packets or Mio Fit and amp your water to get your energy up to the next level.
  • Advil/Tylenol. Hangovers happen to everyone.
  • Versatile sweater/sweatshirt. The dress is very casual, no need to get fancy. More important is your need to have an extra layer on hand. Something that can easily be chucked in your backpack if the sun is shining is a huge asset when you’re away from your hotel room from 9am til 2am.
  • Cash. Though carrying credit cards is always easy, you’ll regret not having cash on hand for the abundance of food trucks and the hard-to-resist pedi-cabs.
  • Band-aids. This one may be for ladies only, but blisters are likely to occur. If they don’t happen to you, you’re sure to make a new best friend when you dole them out to someone in need.

See you in Austin!