By: Kaylyn E Dowd

Reaching your desired end-user is the hardest part about starting a company (next to choosing a company name, of course). When it comes to getting the word out, creative grass roots marketing can be a strain if you don’t know where to look. Don’t let uncertainty stop you! Here are 3 apps that will help you light a fire under your startup launch.


With more than 1.8 million users, Buffer is an up-and-coming application that will help you construct, execute and analyze your social media presence. Although there are plenty of other social media managers like Hootsuite and Google Analytics, Buffer runs on “human-power”, meaning you’ll get great customer service. Although there are downsides to Buffer (i.e. you can’t set multiple Twitter accounts), they compensate by adding extra layers of security and a bunch of added perks so you can leave your social media to the pros while you work on building your company.

BindleThere are thousands of chat-rooms and forums on the Internet. How do you know which one will plug you into the right audience? If you’re looking to directly connect with potential customers, BindleChat is an app worth investing in. You can instantly start a chat on any topic, location or event with unlimited group sizes. When you are mentioned, you can see which groups are talking about your company and jump in on the conversation! Like with any direct channel like BindleChat, there are also some downsides like the facts that posts cannot be edited or deleted and only users in the same chat will see what you write. However, BindleChat is a growing company that looks like it will only get better with time!

Time management can be a struggle for any blooming startup. Through IDoneThis, you can get a handle on your daily progress and celebrate the small victories with your team! Every evening, IDoneThis will send you an email asking, “What’d you get done today?” Once you send a reply, the next morning you’ll receive a digest that shows everyone’s accomplishments from yesterday. Building a corporate culture built on openness and gratitude could be just the thing your startup needs. Like with any task manager – like Producteev – good service comes with a monthly subscription fee. However, big companies like Reddit, FourSquare and American Express swear by it.

I Done This

Venturing into the world of small business can be intimidating without any help. Luckily, there are apps like these that can make your business dreams a reality. You can check out more apps and new product news on Product Hunt.


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