By: Brittany Nicole La Hue

Watch out, Silicon Valley! You may have a new TV show, and the legacy of being the first startup town, but you aren’t the only power player anymore. Here in Silicon Beach, new startup accelerators are popping up every day, leading LA into the future of innovation. Press Kitchener Brittany Nicole put her ear to the 75-degree, sand-covered ground and came up with this short list of LA startups to watch:

New Matter

The MOD-t brings 3D printing to the masses. Photo credit: New Matter

The MOD-t brings 3D printing to the masses. Photo credit: New Matter

We all read about 3D printing online and wait with anticipation for them to become mainstream (or sulk with jealousy at the rich folks who already have one). Startup New Matter, funded by Idealab in Pasadena, wants to change all that. With their venture capital funding and an Indiegogo crowd-funding campaign, they will be coming out with a surprisingly affordable $249 3D printer with wireless connectivity. New Matter is also creating an online store of designs, making it easy and accessible for anyone to own and operate a 3D printer.



Maintain an online database of all your stored items so you never lose an item. Photo credit: Clutter

Maintain an online database of all your stored items so you never lose an item. Photo credit: Clutter

Life in LA involves a lot of moving – with high rent prices, ever-evolving neighborhoods and the fast pace of life here, we’re used to the whole process. But that doesn’t mean that moving sucks any less. However, startup Clutter (funded by Venice accelerator Amplify LA), seeks to make the storage part easier. If you’re tired of dealing with Public Storage’s monopoly on the storage scene and soul-crushing facilities, Clutter can help. You simply choose the size of storage that works for you (a box, a 5×5 space or a 7×7 space) and that’s it! Clutter workers come right to you, load a van and store your possessions. They’ll also deliver your possessions when you want them back. You can also keep a visual catalogue online of the things you store, so you know where everything is. Officially one less thing to worry about when moving.

Screen Shot 2014-07-15 at 12.39.25 PMScreen Shot 2014-07-15 at 12.44.46 PMScreen Shot 2014-07-15 at 12.39.41 PM


Social media can be confusing, and sometimes you just don’t have the time, knowledge or expertise to leverage social media effectively for your brand. Here is where Santa Monica accelerator Launchpad LA-funded startup Monospace comes in. They offer focused social media support, collaboration, ways to engage with your followers, a history of conversations and a real-time stream of interactions so you are always up-to-speed with the buzz about your brand.

The Bouqs

Photo credit: The Bouqs

Photo credit: The Bouqs

If there’s one thing we love here in LA, it’s fair trade/ethically sourced/environmentally friendly versions of the things we already buy. Amplify LA-funded startup The Bouqs thinks that flower delivery shouldn’t be any different. The Bouqs’ flowers are shipped right from eco-friendly, sustainable farms that pay workers fairly and use environmentally-friendly practices – not from a giant store or warehouse. Their 3-step ordering process makes it easy to care about the people you love, and the environment, without really putting too much effort in at all. Basically, everyone wins.


Mr. Fitzroy

Give a kid a smile this big. Photo credit: Mr. Fitzroy

Give a kid a smile this big. Photo credit: Mr. Fitzroy

Cousins? Nieces and nephews? Godchildren? When you’re not a parent yourself, it can be hard to keep up with what all the kids are into these days (can anyone tell us if Miley Cyrus is still cool?). If you need to pick out a gift for a child, be it for a birthday, Christmas or just because, Launchpad LA-funded startup Mr. Fitzroy can help. They have a team of experts (parents) on their side. Simply send them details on the child and the occasion and they will handpick the perfect toy! Mr. Fitzroy even gift-wraps your selection and can deliver it too. So you can be the favorite cousin/aunt/uncle/godparent and not have to suffer through a trip to Toys R Us.


What are your favorite LA startups? Have you checked out any of the companies above? Let us know your thoughts in the comments!

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